About Us
The Department of Education, Innovation and Gender Relations is the government entity with responsibility for the management and administration of the education sector as well as the advancement of gender parity and innovative thinking in Saint Lucia. Despite changes in the Department’s name over the years, its core mandate remains the same. The Department is committed to creating the necessary enabling environments which encourage individuals to reach their full potential and acquire the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes needed to contribute meaningfully to the development of self, community, nation, region and the world.
Mission Statement
To enable all learners to realize their full potential in their fields of interest by facilitating affordable, equitable quality educational experiences that empower them with the knowledge, skills, and values conducive to achieving successfully in a 21st century environment.
Vision Statement
An education system that shapes the development of a literate, numerate, skilled, life-long learner; one who is values-driven, globally adaptable and contributing meaningfully to the development of self, community, nation, and the region.
Core Roles and Functions
The Department’s central role of effectively managing our nation’s education sector and promoting creativity, inclusion and equity is accomplished through the strategic leadership and support of its various divisions, units, sub units and partner agencies. Among the Department’s functions are to:
- Serve as the Saint Lucian Government’s lead advisor and liaison on matters related to education, gender relations and innovations.
- Develop, implement and supervise strategies, policies, internal regulations and programmes geared at supporting the education sector, gender equity and innovation.
- Monitor, evaluate and review different projects and programmes within the Department’s purview.
- Provide administrative and financial management and support to all public education entities.
- Ensure quality standards are maintained through the supervision, inspection and evaluation of the operation of schools.
- Support teachers and principals’ professional leadership, learning and teaching.
- Develop national curricula and syllabus for schools in collaboration with relevant partners.
- Manage national and regional assessment and examination for students’ academic accreditation and school placement.
- Maintain an efficient system of collecting, analyzing, reporting and disseminating reliable and accurate data as it relates to education, gender and innovation.